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       May our focus NOT be about us - but about our LORD.


But so visitors to our site might better understand what we are trying to be...


        This church of Christ in Oxford, Mississippi is a group of people in partnership by a common faith in Jesus Christ, to work, worship, and serve together.  We are drawn together by a desire to help each other in being transformed after the glory of Christ [2 Cor. 3:18].  


        We want to wear no name but 'Christian'.  We want no denominational affiliation, nor earthly headquarters.  We are saddened by division and believe that Jesus' will is for his followers to be one [Jn. 17:20-21] because this will show the world His glory and divinity.  To this end, it is our prayer that all Bible believers be willing to forsake every sinking ship of human doctrine, and cling to the Rock of Ages.


        While many organizations in the world are addressing physical and social needs, God's aim for His kingdom is undeniably a higher one, a spiritual one.  Thus we have no social services 'program', but we love each other and take care of each other.  We have no 'entertainment program' but we love to enjoy all good things of God together.  We have no fitness or recreational program, as we are not primarily focused on physical health, but spiritual.  


        We want to specialize in being a church, which is simply an assembly of people belonging to and set apart to Christ.  We believe our calling is to spiritual completion in Christ, and to bringing others to that realization.  We do not want honest seekers of Truth to pass by because we are busy with other things.


        Toward this end, we work and worship and serve in a simple manner that we find for New Testament churches.  We sing, pray, hear Bible teaching, contribute of our prosperity, and remember the Lord's death in His memorial supper.  We spend much time together in Bible study, and we leave to let the word LIVE in us!


        Jesus' abiding will [continual choice] was to do the will of His Father, no matter the cost.  Can we settle for any less?


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